Sales tracking.

Never miss another opportunity again using the sales tracking tools.


Clockwork CRM let's you add as many pipelines and stages as you need for your processes. Assign properties to each stage making your sales pipelines flexible and unique.


The sales dashboard lets you quickly see either a combination of all pipelines or a specific pipeline displaying the previous and next 3 months of forecasted revenue, as well as totals for the year.

Evaluate & interrogate.

Use Clockwork CRMs advanced search facility to explore your sales and create custom reports, optionally exporting them as a CSV.


The sales tools are linked directly into contact management which means you can see your current and previous sales from within the contact app.

Unlimited properties.

Create as many properties as you need, optionally assigning them to a specific pipeline stage giving you true control over your sales process.

Try Clockwork CRM for free.

Full access for 14-days, get started today.

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