Case management.

Keep track of support tickets using our flexible case management system.

Your cases.

Easily see which cases are open or assigned to you, filter by case type or search for what you need.

You also have the option to aggregate your cases further with advanced search.

Every interaction recorded.

Clockwork CRM records every interaction a user has with a case. From changing a field value to uploading a document, a complete history is available.

Case types & statuses.

Upgrade your case management workflow by adding custom case types and statuses. It could be to handle bugs, tickets, claims or anything in between.

Unlimited properties.

Customise each case type by adding as many properties as you need.

Real-time updates.

Keep updated in real-time, as someone makes a change you'll see it populate on your screen and vice-versa.

Try Clockwork CRM for free.

Full access for 14-days, get started today.

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