Brand-new email template editor.

Ready to find out more about the newest addition to Clockwork CRM? The drag and drop template editor is a brand new feature ready to help push your marketing to the next level.


We are very excited to show you the brand-new Clockwork CRM feature: The Email Template Editor - watch the trailer below.

We hope you enjoyed that little trailer, we had fun making it (making it silly that is).

Built into your CRM at no extra cost.

The difference with the Clockwork CRM email template editor compared to others such as Mailchimp or SendGrid, is that it's built into your CRM. It can access all your contact records and properties meaning there is no copy and pasting data into spreadsheets or other software.

This update is also included in the subscription cost, it doesn't cost anything extra for sending to a certain amount of users, creating as many templates as you like, unlike other CRMs.

Drag and drop.

The editor itself is a simple drag and drop interface, no matter what skill level you are, you'll be able to easily get started and create a beautiful template of your own.

Simply drag modules from the left into the editor page, it will then show you a default piece of content which you can customise by clicking it.

Tell me about the modules.

A module is a piece of content for your email, it could be text, an image or social media links.

We have a few modules that you can use to customise your email such as a divider or spacer used for padding out your emails. We also have a powerful column module which lets you customise the columns you have in your template, you can then drag any other modules into those columns. It really makes designing your email so easy.

You can customise them too?

You heard right, you have a range of customisation options from font families, sizes & colours to section background colour, section padding, borders and more.

We give you the power to create an email you'll be excited and proud of to send to your clients.

I need to try this new, amazing feature of Clockwork CRM now!

Okay, okay! That's no problem, you can start your 14-day free trial (no credit card required) today by clicking the get started button below.